Are Your Meetings Ready for The Next Normal? Part 3: Enagaging Your Meeting Attendees from the Start

The Next Normal of Meetings, for the foreseeable future, will overwhelmingly take place virtually. As we have all experienced over the past few months, the options and commitments to take part in virtual meetings and webinars is rising exponentially as more and more events are reformatted from face-to-face to online.

In this crowded virtual landscape, it is more important than ever to really stand out and gain your potential attendees’ attention and buy-in from the start of the process - the Save The Date and Invitation.

As succinctly and impactfully as possible, your task is to convey your meeting’s overall theme in a unique and exciting way that will persuade your attendees that their time spent with you will be a game-changer to their role in their industry.

Some recommended best practices for Save The Dates and Invitations:

  • Record a personal video message from the main speaker

  • Create a short and punchy video Save The Date (same below)

  • Provide a downloadable .ics mail calendar placeholder to serve as a reminder

  • Include all relevant instructions in the invitation including meeting link, troubleshooting, and tech help contact info.

  • Create an attractive, dedicated website landing page for your meeting invitation

If your organization is considering converting a live face-to-face event to a virtual one, we strongly urge you to follow these guidelines. For professional management of your “new normal” program from start to finish, contact us at and learn more at